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I Was Hurt on the Job: What Should I Do?

I Was Hurt on the Job: What Should I Do?

Despite the presence of workplace safety committees and effective safety policies, accidents happen and people get hurt on the job. These aren’t always serious injuries, but even minor problems can add up and affect your quality of life. 

In New York state, workers’ compensation operates under a no-fault, employer-funded system that pays for medical care for employees injured in on-the-job events. Your medical costs are covered including transportation to and from appointments, as well as a significant portion of any lost wages you might incur. 

To qualify for a workers’ compensation payout, you have commitments as a worker to start the process. It’s not complicated, but there are some key steps and some time limits. Your first step starts with visiting a certified workers’ compensation medical practice. 

In Yonkers, the Bronx, and Mamaroneck New York, get to Southern Westchester Orthopedics & Sports Medicine for workplace injuries involving musculoskeletal and soft tissue damage. As workers’ compensation specialists, we can diagnose and treat your injury as well as prepare your back-to-work rehabilitation program. 

Am I eligible? 

Most employees working in New York state are eligible for workers’ compensation coverage. Workers don’t pay for this coverage; it’s funded by employers. There are no copayments for medical care. If you need an attorney at any point in the process, they’re compensated from wage replacement awards. You don’t have to pay for their services if your claim is accepted. 

Note that some not-for-profit employers may be exempt from providing workers’ compensation coverage. You’re not eligible to make a claim if the workplace injury occurred while you were under the influence of drugs or alcohol or when you were deliberately trying to hurt yourself or someone else. 

What you should do after being hurt on the job

Your first priority is getting medical treatment, if it’s required. If you need emergency or urgent care, inform the facility that this is a workplace injury. If you have time to choose your provider, you want to ensure that they’re approved by the Workers’ Compensation Board. 

In some cases, your injury may emerge slowly, over time, such as a condition like carpal tunnel syndrome. Once you suspect an injury like this, make an appointment with us, indicating your suspicion that your condition is related to your job. 

You have 30 days from the date of the injury or your awareness of it to notify your employer. As your caregiver, we file medical paperwork on your behalf. 

It’s your responsibility to file a C-3 employee claim form. New York’s Workers’ Compensation Board has an online version of the form here. It’s the quickest and most convenient way to fulfill your obligation. You can also file a claim by phone or as a paper copy, available from the board or your employer. 

There are no other forms for you to submit. The claim process moves forward from there, and the board contacts you regarding your claim. 

Your health is our priority, and we do everything we can to speed your recovery and get you back to work. Contact Southern Westchester Orthopedics & Sports Medicine by phone or online as soon as possible after a workplace injury.


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