Are Your Shoes Causing Your Hip Pain?

Hip pain is a common complaint, with roughly one in 10 American adults reporting some level of experience with the problem. As the population ages, so does the proportion of hip issues. There are a wide range of conditions and injuries that can cause pain in these ball and socket joints.
Sometimes, you may be suffering from a combination of problems. Enlisting the aid of joint pain specialists like our team at Southern Westchester Orthopedics & Sports Medicine is the most effective way to diagnosis and treatment. When it comes to hip pain, we may point to an unexpected origin — your shoes.
Selected causes of hip pain
While your hip pain could be the result of conditions like arthritis, bursitis, and other common joint conditions, the reasons why you develop symptoms in your hips could trace back to your feet — in particular, the arches.
Normal foot mechanics have the arches flattening with each step as a shock absorption action. Your heel contacts first and your foot rolls until weight transfers to the arches and toes.
Arch construction includes a bow formed by bones of your foot, connected by the plantar fascia, which plays the role of bowstring. Flexing of the arch may overextend to a condition called excessive pronation.
When this occurs, an inward rotation moves up the leg, affecting your knees and hips. This rotation can cause repetitive strain issues like tendinitis or bursitis. If you already have arthritic conditions beginning in the hip, excessive pronation can further aggravate the cartilage wear in your hip joint.
Are your shoes causing your hip pain?
It’s entirely possible that your shoes could be causing or increasing your hip pain. One of the major reasons that your arches suffer from excessive pronation is a lack of support from your footwear. Arch support in your shoes prevents the inward rotation, reducing the strain on your knees and hips.
Choosing fashion over function can quickly lead to hip problems. There’s a sweet spot for pronation of the arch, and though it’s less common, too little pronation can cause trouble as well.
The right shoe for hip pain
There’s no one shoe that’s suitable for all situations. Ideally, your shoes should match your activities. The needs of a distance runner are different from those of a wilderness hiker. A football player won’t wear field cleats when they switch to tennis. The motions of your activities change the support needs of your feet.
In the case of daily-wear shoes, you can add arch supports, heel cups, and metatarsal pads to bolster the support that work and dress shoes provide. Improving your gait mechanics reduces the strain on your hips.
Sometimes, degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis progress despite these changes, and your hips may deteriorate further. Contact us at the nearest office to consult with our doctors about additional treatment options, including hip replacement when it becomes necessary to improve your quality of life.
You can request an appointment at any of our three New York locations by phone or online. Book your appointment today. Your hips will thank you.
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